For Oil Leak Detection & Location System

‘TTKweb’ is a premium management software for TTK liquid leak detection systems. Launched in 2017, it is developed specifically for TTK FG-NET digital unit and its satellite devices: daughter panel FG-BBOX and external relay box FG-RELAYS.
TTKweb is capable of managing multiple panels located on different sites and it includes the smart tools to configure the system.
TTKweb is compatible with the FG-NET having firmware v4.3.5 or higher.
A valid license code is required to use TTKweb software.
To learn more about this software

FG-NET Firmware
Choose the version adapted to your control panel reference:
- The latest FG-NET firmware for FG-NET (panels with serial number EC4644000800 or above)
Download FG-NET Firmware v4.5.5 - The last FG-NET firmware for FG-NET (older panels with serial number EC46440007FF or below)
Download FG-NET Firmware v3.2.5

FG-BBOX FG-RELAYS Media Card Update
Choose the version adapted to your control panel reference:
- The latest FG-BBOX firmware compatible with FG-NET panels using firmware version v4.3.4 or above (FG-NET v4.3.0 to v4.3.3 must be updated to v4.3.4 to grant FG-BBOX compatibility): download version v1.9
- The latest FG-BBOX firmware compatible with older FG-NET panels using firmware version v4.2.2 or below: download version v1.1